I rather wish

I wasn’t surprised when I read yesterday that November had been the dullest for over sixty years with something like seventeen days without any sunshine.  One consolation was that being mostly mild it meant that we could enjoy the flowers in the garden and on the plot for longer than we usually do.

Yesterday morning was sunny so I went for a walk round the allotments then spent a couple of hours doing some plot pottering with the robin for company.

Death of an AirmanI returned home to find that the Christmas present book to myself had arrived.

I’m a long-time aviation enthusiast and crime fiction buff,  especially the 1920s and 30s, so I’m looking forward to reading Death of an Airman by Christopher St. John Sprigg, which was originally published in 1934.

I rather wish that I could settle down somewhere like this to read it.

Painting by Stephen Darbishire

It’s a wonderful picture by Stephen Darbishire who is one of my favourite artists.

Have a good weekend!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

32 thoughts on “I rather wish”

  1. You would never get me out of there if cups of strong tea and digestive biscuits were on hand, while I lounged re-re-reading The Discworld books by Sir Terry Pratchett!
    Enjoy the book, when you are able to get immersed in it!


  2. Aha, we’ve discovered the British Library series of classic crime fiction too. I love them! For when you’ve finished this one, I can recommend another in the series, Mystery in White by J Jefferson Farjeon – set in a house in the midst of snowstorm at Christmas. Just right for this time of year.

    And, oh heck, hope you don’t hate people who tell you what you might enjoy reading – do you like Nevil Shute? If so, you’ve probably already read So Disdained. If not, it was written 1928, set in the 20s, and involves WW1 pilots, with some fascinating insight into what it was like to fly the early planes. Good story, too.

    Let us know what Death of an Airman is like.


    1. Helen I’ve enjoyed reading several of them so far. Thanks, Mystery in White is now on my to read list.
      Not at all, recommendations are always welcome. I’ve read most, if not all, Neville Shute’s books but a long time ago. I don’t recollect So Disdained so I’ve added it to my list as well.
      I’ll do that. Happy reading. xx


  3. That looks like a cosy scene! The comment above mine refers to Nevil Shute. That takes me back some years. . . “A Town Like Alice” among others. Enjoy your book and say “hi” to the robin.


  4. Oh, I agree. That roaring fire, tea laid out on the table, window seats and comfy chairs with a cat or two for company. Enjoy your book.


  5. Oh yes, what a gorgeous interior, so very cosy and welcoming. The sun was in short supply this month wasn’t it. At one stage when the sky did clear I grabbed my camera and just went and took some photos of the blue. Enjoy the book Flighty. CJ xx


    1. CJ it sure is. Sadly yes, there were way too many grey days. Good for you, it’s always worth making the most of any sunshine at this time of year if you can. Thanks, I’m sure I will. xx


  6. Your latest read has a wonderful cover, Flighty, which would draw me in from the off! I didn’t know of your favourite artist but I very much like the picture you’ve posted – it’s exactly how my Granpa’s sitting room looked (except my grandparents’ fire was in the corner of the room, not along one wall, and the cat was ginger) with cosy overstuffed armchairs and everything. A little moment of nostalgia there for me, thank you! Happy reading. C xx


    1. Caro it certainly does, and likewise attracted my attention. Darbishire has done lots of similar pictures, have a look at Google images or on Pinterest. How lovely that your grandpa’s sitting room was like this. Thanks. xx


  7. I thought it seemed particularly gloomy in November. It is such a depressing month. I love the picture, actually I do have somewhere very like that to sit, so I realise I am very lucky. It is lovely to have a new book to read on a dismal day like today.


    1. Chloris there were far too many grey days. I agree when it’s like that. Lucky you. It certainly is, and I have several new books to read as I do tend to stockpile them at this time of year. xx


  8. I notice that table in Mr Darbishire’s painting is set for two if not three — perhaps I could join you and bring a cat or two 😉 Your book sounds like it’d be a good one.


  9. A very cozy room for book reading…or nodding off..,just have to nudge or snuggle a cat or two 🙂 I have been looking at more of his paintings, and they are all lovely. I found out that Stephen Darbishire lives in a 17C farmhouse in the Lake District, so it sounds like he is in a perfect location for his paintings. I also found out a bit about Christopher St. John Sprigg, who was killed when 30 years old – an interesting read here: http://thepassingtramp.blogspot.ca/2013/01/a-short-life-of-crime-christopher-st.html. Enjoyed your post, Flighty.


    1. Glo I think that I’d be doing both, and I’ve always been happy to snuggle with a cat or two.
      Yes Darbishire has done lots of similar lovely paintings. Thanks for the interesting link., sad that he died so young. That’s nice to know. xx


  10. Many years ago, I found a cafe in Gloucester much like that depicted and eased myself into the comfortable seating by the open fire and relaxed with a cuppa , some sort of cake (or course!) and something to read.

    We have so much dullness where I live Mr F, what’s a few more days…..for us, not ideal.



  11. Now that does indeed look like the perfect place to relax with a good book…..the cats certainly look happy! How lovely that the robin is keeping you company. Enjoy your book. I hope you aren’t suffering the winds and rain that are bombarding us.xxx


  12. A first time visitor here, but how I loved the painting of a cottage interior. Something to aim for next year as we renovate a little 18th century cottage at the foot of the South Downs.


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