I’ve been reading

It’s a cold, wet and windy day so after lunch I’ll be settling down to sofa fly with a good book, along with a cup of tea and a couple of shortbread biscuits.

The ClocksI always read several books at any one time which have recently included a classic Agatha Christie story as my local library has been getting new copies of some of her books.  A few weeks ago I read the sixth Hercule Poirot story The Mystery of the Blue Train (1928) and yesterday I borrowed The Clocks (1963) which is the thirty-fourth in the series.


On my Kobo Mini eReader I’ve been reading Hercule Poirot:the Complete Short Stories, which comprises all fifty one of them in chronological order.  I’ve found these to be ideal bed-time reading.

Happy reading, and have a good week!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

29 thoughts on “I’ve been reading”

  1. It’s horrid weather here as well Flighty. Just back from a walk with my dog Patch. Going to join you this afternoon with the tea and shortbread. Enjoy. Love Susie xxx


      1. I did Flighty. Hope you did too. Weather still nasty here in Cheshire. Think I might repeat the exercise, although I should be writing Christmas cards!! Have a good day ☺


  2. You’ve got a really relaxing mix of literature under your belt. I love watching the various dramatic offerings on TV of the same stories you mention.
    Weather – nothing much to say really. Keep comfortable and warm.


  3. Glad to see you’re enjoying reading Agatha Christie too. As I’m reading her books in chronological order I’m some way off The Clocks, but I’ve actually got it waiting to be read. My next one will be Peril at End House and my last one was The Sittaford Mystery which I really enjoyed. It’s a horrible day here today too.


  4. It’s perfect weather for curling up with a good book! On a related note to your post, I’m reading ‘A is for Arsenic’, which is all about Agatha Christie’s preferred murder weapon, poison and the books each one appeared in.


  5. Well, my mystery question is ~ do you dip your shortbread in your tea before eating it? Reading sounds like the perfect pastime on a wintry day. Good to know you have many books on hand, including your ereader, so that there is no real need to venture out…for books, anyway!


    1. Glo no I generally don’t dunk biscuits in my tea, but my dad nearly always did. I tend to make sure I’ve plenty of books to read at this time of year. xx


  6. Sounds like a perfect activity for the afternoon! The Blue Train is one of roomie’s favorites — especially expertly read by John Moffat on audiobook. On the other hand, I often listen to The Clocks before bed because that reader’s mellifluous voice reliably puts me to sleep 😉


  7. There are few moments more perfect than those filled by the thoughts and pages of a good book, and a chance to sit in my favorite spot under the lamp with the best reading light and sipping a cup of hot herbal tea…Enjoy your day.


  8. Crikey – I would be getting all my murderers muddled if I read all that lot together! I have a very bad habit of becoming so engrossed in books that the house could fall around me and I wouldn’t notice. Consequently I have to read only mildly absorbing books during the week and reserve anything which will grab my attention until the weekend.
    I hope the sun has returned to you now. We have had a few sunny hours over the past two days – what a difference a little fine weather makes!


    1. Sarah that occasionally happens to me, and when it does I have to backtrack a few pages, or more, to refresh my memory. I do that too sometimes.
      It was sunny yesterday morning but dull again today. I agree that some sunshine makes such a difference. xx


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