A bean bonanza

Leaning beansOn Thursday with my green wall of climbing beans leaning ever more precariously I decided to pick all the beans, pull up the plants to add to the compost heap and put away the canes.  I did that as the forecast is for some blustery weather with winds gusting up to 40 mph on Tuesday, which I’m sure would have toppled them.

I was surprised to find that I filled two plastic bags to bring home and sort out, which I did this morning.  The two long beans are over a foot long and as you can see the tin is already half filled with assorted shelled beans.

Bean bonanza

Although the ground was rather sticky on Friday morning I forked over the area. Whilst doing so I was joined by a robin which I stood and watched as it found small insects to eat just inches away from my wellies.  It was joined by a second one, which came and went a few times, and twice they chased away a third one.

Beans, beans, beansThat’s the last major job on my list that I wanted to do before the end of the month, but still leaves plenty of minor things to do. And with unsettled weather I can now count beans if I get bored.

Have a good week!

[Click on any picture to see a larger image]

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

26 thoughts on “A bean bonanza”

  1. Sounds like you acted just in time, Flighty. I don’t like the sound of Tuesday’s forecast! It’s amazing what can be lurking behind the leaves – you’ve got a jolly good harvest there! The weather lately has put paid to drying beans on the plant, same with my sunflower heads – they’re all soggy rather than being a treat for the birds. Caro xx


  2. It’s been a good bean year, we’ve had loads off our plants, even though some of my plants were devoured by slugs. Will you eat the shelled beans or are they next year’s seeds?


  3. What an amazing multicoloured crop. You could have fun making up histograms while you are counting. Make sure you have your coloured pens ready to identify with the colours of the various beans during graph development.

    The weather forecast is interesting; it seems we have a foretaste of it.


  4. That’s a marvelous crop of beans! You’ll be able to plant some of those next year. I have been tidying my veggie patch today and came across lots of broad beans growing. Yes, Tuesday sounds rather grim, time to baton down the hatches I think.xxx


  5. My bean plants have been on the lean too. I hadn’t dug them up yet as they were still flowering so I was hoping for a few more beans. My butternuts are still full of small nuts(?) which I was hoping would grow a little bigger. I know, I shouldn’t be greedy, but it seems shame to dig up a plant which wants to keep on giving. I guess I shall just have to pick them as they are and eat them. Have a great week, Flighty.


  6. Paula I would have left mine longer but the plot is very exposed. You may be lucky and get a few of beans and butternuts but I wouldn’t be too hopeful. Thanks, and you too. xx


  7. That’s a mighty fine harvest Flighty, and perfectly timed too, though my plants seem to have survived thanks to the storm coming in from the north. Indeed, I still have dwarf French beans cropping, and some sugarsnap peas! Not for long though, I am sure. Don’t beans look beautiful when podded and piled in a tin like that?


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