
I tried out my new wellies on Friday morning when I went for a walk round the allotments. There had been plenty of heavy rain on Wednesday so I wasn’t surprised at what I saw.

The ground was badly waterlogged and some plots, especially those on the other side of the roadway to mine, were partly under water. Here are Margo’s still flowering pot marigolds and David’s leeks showing how bad it was.

Thankfully my plot had no standing water on it but the paths were very squelchy underfoot.  The plum tree had lost all it’s leaves apart from this handful.  You can see Fox Junior sitting under the rose Pretty Lady keeping a watchful eye out.

It rained for much of yesterday, and there’s more heavy rain due later tonight and most of tomorrow so I think that I’ll be wearing my wellies again when I’m next there.

Have a good week!

[Click on any picture to see a larger image] 

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

20 thoughts on “Soggy!”

  1. Oh dear – it’s not good is it – high winds today but no rain at the moment – it was a wise decision to buy new wellies – you’re certainly going to need them.


  2. Can’t get on with tidying our garden with the dampness. But the other day when on our roof, I had a good view of all the other neighbouring gardens, and they were just as sad-looking, so didn’t feel too bad!


  3. Oh how heart breaking for the plot owners, I do hope they salvage something.
    I’m really pleased your plot was ok, and your new wellies are up to the job. Let’s hope the rain ends soon, what makes it worse is that it’s been so wet all year, it seems our climate is changing.xxxxx


  4. The abundant rainfall and flooding in the S.W. and other places is incredible, and it’s so sad for those caught up in it.
    You missed a trick Mr F. You didn’t take a picture of soggy wellies!
    Are you welcoming foxes to the allotments? While I know they are an interesting element of wildlife, the encouragement of them into ever encroaching urban areas – encroaching onto countryside, that is – does warrant concern.


    1. Menhir yes some places really have been hit hard again haven’t they. I must take a picture of them.
      Foxes have long been resident on the site and generally do little harm. I certainly wouldn’t like to see them to driven off as they surely have as much right to be there as I do. xx


  5. You got your new wellies just in time! How dreadful to see plots under water – I suppose the water table is so high it has nowhere to go – it is the same round here.

    I always like seeing foxes too – and I feel, if they are becoming a pest in urban areas, it is largely the fault of people and restaurants who leave rubbish bags with food stuff lying around. The fox is just making the most of a free meal!


    1. Ellie I sure did! There are a number of reasons why these plots suffer but basically yes it’s as you say.
      Foxes in urban areas has become an emotive issue in recent years but sadly , and as always, people are to blame. xx


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