Sitting in the sunshine

At long last there has been some really good weather here in London. I’ve been on the plot before 7.00am most mornings for a few hours before it got too hot and uncomfortable.

Appropriately the first of this years sunflowers was in bloom by Monday, being the variety Ring of Fire.

On a cooler note there’s this rather unusual green flowering gladioli, which I have to say I’m not that keen on. I didn’t buy it but it was among some that I was given which are blue, pink, white and yellow all of which have yet to flower.

There are lots of the classic bright blue cornflowers (centaurea cyanus) scattered around, along with a few pink and white ones.

It’s been good to see a few butterflies, including several brown ones as well as the usual whites, fluttering around. Even better there were more damselflies, this time Blue-Tailed ones.

Just sitting in the sunshine for a while each morning looking at the flowers and watching the wildlife has been most enjoyable.

Have a good weekend!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

24 thoughts on “Sitting in the sunshine”

  1. The Gladioli is rather outstanding in a retiring way, isn’t it. It is evocative of the quilled greenish-white Chrysanthemum pot plant I have, now in a state of demise. (It was perky and interesting when in its flush of youth!)



  2. Glad you have a bit of sunshine Flighty. Enjoy your plot while you can. We are not expecting dry,sunny weather anytime soon here, we just have humid,muggy,misty weather !
    Lovely colourful flowers to admire there 🙂


  3. I love this time of the year when the rhythm of the day changes so the outdoor work is done in the early and later cooler hours and the middle of the day is reserved for writing. Shhhh! a sneaky siesta sometimes happens too 😉


  4. I think I need to get up earlier. By the time I got to the plot this morning it was 9.30 and I was wilting within 10 minutes. Managed 2 hours work before I came home. I’m not complaining though this weather is great. My courgettes and squash plants have all picked up and look decidedly perkier now. Have a great, and sunny, weekend. WW


    1. Welly’ I’m up and about well before 6.00am at this time of year. I’m not surprised as it was the same here, with not even a breeze to help. You’re lucky mine all got slugged but my two cucumbers remain untouched and okay. Thanks, you too. xx


  5. Like you I have been at the plot very early – best time of day in this weather – doesn’t a bit of sunshine make all the difference. Have a good weekend.


  6. I have a few sunflowers flowering, a tad short but I left them too long in their pots before transplanting. I do have one HUGE sunflower that’s yet to flower (self-seeded from last year), it must be at least 13 foot tall and still going, also another not quite as tall but looking promising. I protected them from slugs and heavy rain using recycled plastic bottle cloches,

    Enjoy plotting, Flighty and have a great weekend x


    1. Karen I’ll miss not having any giant singles this year, your ones sound terrific. I think that slugs got all my seedlings.
      Thanks, and you too! xx


  7. More sunshine and lots of work accomplished! In the heat of the summer (although you don’t seem to have had much heat in 2012), I like to work outdoors before it gets too oppressive. The sunflower is a good harbinger of things to come. I like chartreuse flowers, like lady’s mantle, so would have put your gladiolus in a floral arrangement to good effect!


    1. Liz that always gives me a sense of satisfaction. Me too, I generally do any work on the plot in the morning especially when it’s hot. Unlike you I’m not that keen on green flowers, but can see their appeal as beinga less common colour. xx


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