Say it with flowers

Nikkipolani noticed that I didn’t do my usual post on Thursday and made this comment earlier today.

I’ve had one of those weeks where I simply didn’t want to do much at all, and spent most of it reading four novels!

I didn’t even go to the plot, although that was due to the weather being mostly wet and windy.

I’m still struggling to write a proper post so instead I’ll say it with flowers.

I don’t think that I’ve shown any of these photos before and hope that they give us all something to look forward to again later this year.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

[Click on any picture to see a larger image]

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

38 thoughts on “Say it with flowers”

  1. It is that time of year really isn’t it? Quite frustrating I find. The flower pics are great and so cheerful when the weather isn’t. A great reminder of what is to come.


  2. Five flowers plus four novels = a wonderful combination. A rose, sunflower, nasturtium, cosmos and pot marigold! The flowers brighten up this wintry scene ~ we have had lots of snow which has mostly melted away today.


  3. How lovely of Nikki to get in touch to check you’re OK 🙂

    However, it has been a week for simply curling up with a good book!

    Like you, I’m looking forward to spring – I find January and February very hard going.



    1. Laydilejur thanks. They were The White Russian by Tom Bradby, Little Girl Lost by Brian McGilloway, The Wreckage by Michael Robotham and also reread Black Out by John Lawton. xx


      1. I haven’t heard of those, apart from Black Out – which is sitting on the kindle waiting to be read. But if you’ve read it more than once, it must be good. So maybe I’ll move it higher up the list. Do you write reviews of books you’ve really liked? xx


        1. Laydilejur John Lawton is one of my favourite authors, with the second in the Troy series Old Flames being a particular favourite. I do sometimes mention books I’ve read and liked but I’d hardly call them proper reviews as they do tend to be rather brief. I’ll try and do some more over on my Sofa flying blog but I’m not making any promises! xx


  4. I know how you feel. Blogging brings with it a certain pressure to deliver, doesn’t it? Occasionally this can be a nuisance. What I try to do is prepare in advance (when I’m in the blogging mood) a couple of posts that could be published at any time, (i.e. not time-related) so I can post something easily even if I don’t feel much like it.


  5. It’s certainly been a dreary week, it was much brighter and sunnier when the frost was about. I don’t blame you for curling up with a good book or four. Those flowers are beauties, just the thing to cheer us all up.


  6. Four novels? Impressive! I’m still ploughing through the seed catalogues, rather belatedly as it will soon be time to start sowing. The blogging muse hasn’t visited me for three weeks so today I decided to be firm and get down to writing – and I managed a nice long walk on Thursday in a rare spot of sunshine which gives hope of glorious days to come.


    1. Caro I’m always reading two or three books at any one time. I keep browsing the Chiltern Seeds one! It almost seems that we need to be gardening to be blogging doesn’t it!
      I think that I should have gone for a walk as well. xx


  7. No-one should feel that they ‘have’ to blog, it should be something you enjoy and want to do, when you want to do it. A good use of time Flighty, reading 4 novels. Can’t remember the last time I sat down and read a ‘proper’ book, it seems to be all garden related at the minute. Wonderful pictures, very cheery 🙂


  8. Hi Flighty,
    I wondered whether you can help. I am having trouble posting comments on blogspot blogs. I had heard you had had similar problems and I know a few others have too. Do you have any idea why? Someone mentioned using Google Chrome but I do that already. It is a real pain. Best wishes, Wellywoman.


    1. Welly’ I haven’t been able to comment on them either using WordPress for a couple of days now. I’ve tried using Chrome, Firefox and IE all to no avail. I’ve no idea what the problem is but will try to find out tomorrow and let you know. xx


  9. I find it so much easier to comment on other’s posts than to write a blog post of my own .. and to some writing comes naturally, but it never has to me. To be honest (as I have a short attention span) I much prefer looking at photos anyway, rather than having to read reams of text. x


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