10 thoughts on “Birthday wishes”

  1. Happy Birthday Glo my lovely!!
    Flighty you have chosen a perfect garden rose for our Glo! xx
    (It is a rose ….isn’t it?)


  2. Many thanks, Flighty, Daffy and Nikki!
    I was just checking a few blobs before heading out for a drive in this beautiful weather we’re having. How sweet of you to include a lovely rose, Flighty. It’s a beauty! Thanks so much.

    I haven’t been posting much lately as I’ve been otherwise occupied! The mouse hunt continues, for one thing! I spent Thurs. from 4 p.m. to midnight cooking up a storm for a school luncheon (a huge cake, quiche, bean dish, buns, a trifle…) I was so exhausted on Friday after school, I came home and had a nap instead of going to my usual Fri. after school gathering. Unbeknownst to me, they were sitting there with a birthday balloon, flowers, etc. waiting for my arrival. Whoops! I missed my own party. I became aware of this when a fellow was ringing my front door, with his arms laden with the loot! I awoke from my doze, and sleepy-eyed opened the door and had this mass of flowery gifts thrust into my arms. So it was a surprise to me after all. They had even called me on my cell phone, which was needing recharged. Whoops, again!

    Anyway, I’m off to enjoy the sunshine, and I’ll try and post something before long!

    Many thanks 🙂


    1. Glo you’re most welcome!
      I’m glad that you like the rose, the photo was only taken last week!
      Lucky you with the weather as it’s been very unsettled here over the weekend, being mostly wet and windy.
      Never mind your double ‘Whoops’ I hope that you’ve had a lovely day in the sunshine! xx


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