Last week…

I sowed some annual flower seeds Candytuft Fairy Mixed Colours (Iberis umbellata), Cornflowers Polka Dot (Centaurea cyanus) and Pot Marigolds Flighty’s Favourites and Daisy Mix (Calendula officinalis).

I also sowed a double row of carrots Short and Sweet,  and also prepared the areas where I’ll be growing beans, both dwarf French and Runner, and the sweetcorn.

One of my least favourite jobs is rough cutting the grass path edges but I made a start, and the compost heap is now covered in a grass duvet which will keep it nice and warm.

Yesterday was damp and dull, today is cold and rainy so it’s back to an armchair gardening weekend.  Hopefully it should be dry and noticeably warmer next week so I can resume plotting.  I’ll be sowing lots of sunflowers, a mix of varieties, with saved seeds (mostly Musicbox) and some I was given (including some lemon yellow ones). These two summer sizzlers are from July 2011.

Have a good week, and take care!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

14 thoughts on “Last week…”

  1. Gosh you have been very busy, you should have a lovely show of flowers later in the year. I really need to get sowing though enthusiasm at a low ebb right now due to this ongoing rubbish weather. I don’t like doing the rough cutting grass edges but luckily my husband is happy to do that job. Wishing you a good week with improved weather. We are off to Spain for a week and on our return l REALLY will get on. x


    1. Andy I have indeed, and let’s hope so. I’m not surprised, I think that we’ve all felt like that and I know I have. I don’t blame you, and you’re lucky your husband happily does it. 

      Thanks. Have a lovely time, and I’m sure you will. xx


  2. My goodness, you have been busy sowing so many seeds. The rain today will help them germinate and you can go sofa flying!


  3. You certainly have been busy sowing so many seeds … well done 🙂

    The weather was once again wet over the weekend, but today has been quite pleasant.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan


  4. Let’s hope we’re on track for some better weather now. I still haven’t sown any seeds but I shall get cracking this week, I’m only growing tomatoes and sunflowers this year, anything else I want will be bought as plants. I only have a small garden now so I don’t grow as much as I used to.


    1. Jo I do hope so. I don’t blame you for waiting, two good choices which I’m growing both at home and on the plot. Buying plants is often a good idea. Good for quality rather than quantity. xx


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