Plotting whilst plotting

There was a fresh wind this morning but being bright and dry I spent a couple of hours this morning working on the plot.

I checked for any missed seed heads then chopped up the pot marigold plants that I’d pulled up last week before adding them to the compost heap.

Despite there having been plenty of rain during last week I was surprised at how easily the ground forked over on the patch where I’ll be growing potatoes next year.

As I mentioned recently there’s just two nerine bowdenii flowers this year. This is what they looked like today. I might repot them for next year so must have a read up on when to do that.

Nerine bowdenii

I started writing my novel on Friday and have made really good progress so far, and hope to do a Sofa flying blog post about it during next week.  I was plotting whilst plotting today so that it’s hopefully clear in my mind for when I sit down later on and put pen to paper.

Have a good week!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

32 thoughts on “Plotting whilst plotting”

  1. We had some strong winds here during the night and it’s still pretty gusty today, it’s really cold too, winter is surely on the way. I shall watch out for the post on Sofa Flying, I’m looking forward to hearing how you’re getting on.


  2. I’ve been in the allotment with you Flighty, but mine’s fictional and the scene of a murder! Hope yours is far more peaceful and healthy! It’s lovely here, a wonderful day to be outside. Good luck with your own story … What a productive time, eh?


  3. Nice that you were able to do double duty plotting 🙂 We set our clocks back last night, so it’s a light morning here at 7:30 ~ I’m imagining you well under way with your writing today. Sounds like the allotment plot is ready for hibernation in good shape. Plot on!


    1. Glo it sure was. I sat down and wrote through mid afternoon into early evening. There are still things that I could do on the plot but not worried if I don’t. And on…! xx


  4. The Plotting part of my blogname is because whole blog posts form in my head whilst up at the plot. Therefore I can fully identify with your plotting today Flighty 🙂

    Good luck with the rest of the month!


  5. Those nerines are a really lovely splash of colour – I hope they survive any strong winds! I was also chopping and plotting yesterday – but my plotting involved a possible redesign of the veg patch for next year! … and thinking about collecting mulch from the city farm! I always find it easier to have a good deep think when moving about outdoors. Looking forward to hearing about your book progress – make sure you’ve got a good supply of tea and digestives, rain on the way for the rest of the week after today! Have a good week! xx


    1. Caro I just wish that there were more of them. They should be okay where they are. It sounds like you may be well busy next year. I’ve stocked up with tea and biscuits. As you say the week ahead doesn’t look good does it. Thanks, and you too. xx


  6. I’m just contemplating whether to go and dig up my dahlias. I’ve enjoyed picking them so much and there are still some flowers on them but the weather is going to get them soon and I suppose I should make the most of the sunshine. We’ve had so much rain it’s going to be a messy job. You’re making such great progress with the book. Sounds like you’re really enjoying it. x


    1. Welly I’ll probably dig mine up sometime soon. They’ve done well this year haven’t they. I’m resigned to rain and messy at this time of year. I’m a bit surprised at how well I’m doing so far, and how much I’m enjoying it. xx


  7. Hey, well done with the book plotting. And good planning for your planting plot, too! Here’s to more marigold loveliness next season. My order of daffs and ranunculus should be on their way. Now to find homes for all of them…..


    1. Nikki thanks, there’s more about the book over on Sofa flying. I’ve no doubt there’ll be lots of pot marigolds on the plot next year as usual. They should look good next spring when they flower. xx


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