It’s damp and dull

As well as the tomato plants I was given, which I mentioned on Thursday, I was also given this cucumber plant as that was something else that failed to germinate.

I don’t know the variety but was told that it’s a common ordinary green type, so I would guess that it’s probably a Marketmore.

Yesterday I earthed up all the potatoes, then hoed and weeded all round the patch.  All I planted are showing and doing well so far.   I also prepared the areas where I’ll be direct sowing dwarf French and Runner bean seeds, as well as the sweetcorn, which I hope to be doing during this coming week.

There are lots of sunflower seedlings in the patch where I’m growing them, along with various other flowers such as cosmos and pot marigolds.  I’ll have to work my way through the area to pull up and discard some of the latter.

Today it’s damp and dull, typical weather for a Bank Holiday Sunday, and the week ahead is looking unsettled.  Let’s hope that the summer and autumn make up for what has been a disappointing spring.

Have a good week, and take care!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

8 thoughts on “It’s damp and dull”

  1. Sad that you will have to weed out some of your Pot Marigolds Mike! … but glad to hear that you’ll be sowing your runners this week , all being fair, as I intend to do the same! … Happy Bank Holiday! 🙂


  2. Your plot maintenance continues. The cucumber seedling looks healthy and the annuals that are germinating will provide lots of welcome colour. I seem to recall that this is the Whit Monday bank holiday in the UK. Here, in the US, we also have a 3-day weekend with Memorial Day. Enjoy!


  3. Well, you’ve got in a lot of work despite the fluctuating weather. Isn’t it nice when fellow gardeners supply just the plants you need? Pot marigolds do seem to take over don’t they? I’ve already hacked down the first crop of them and getting ready to trim the next batch.


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