I grow tomatoes…

every year on the plot, usually the red variety Gardener’s Delight and yellow Golden Sunrise.  I only grow a handful which I start off in pots on the windowsill at home, then plant out on the plot around this time of year.  This year the seeds either didn’t germinate or did then hardly grew so it reached the point where I’d decided to throw them away and just buy a few plants at the recent horticultual society plant sale.

However I didn’t have to do that as I was very kindly given some.  They include at least one Moneymaker, a standard red variety, and some red and/or yellow cherry tomato plants.

They’ve all done well at home and I’ll be taking them to the plot in the next few days to harden off before planting out.

Have a good weekend, and take care!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

12 thoughts on “I grow tomatoes…”

  1. A lovely kindness which has responded to your nurturing. Wish you well with your alternative crop of tomatoes.🍅 May the fruit of the plant flourish.
    Have a good weekend Mr F. Xxx


  2. It’s been the same with my tomato seeds this year too so I’ve resorted to buying a couple of plants from a nearby nursery. It’ll be good to try something different anyway I suppose.


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