I’ve been mostly pottering…

this week, apart from Tuesday when I dug up the rest of the main crop Desiree potatoes.

I’ve just found out that the plum tree is in fact a blackthorn!  I don’t really mind as I’m not keen on plums, not that I ever expected to get many as I regularly prune it to about six foot high and to keep it in bounds.

The dogwood, cornus alba Sibirica, continues to provide all year round interest as it now now has berries and the leaves are starting to turn red. (Click on picture to see larger image) 

Cornus alba 'sibirica'This morning I was sitting drinking a mug of water when a greenfinch perched on a nearby sunflower head and started eating the seeds.  It’s only the second time that I’ve seen one on the plot. Incidentally we think that it’s more likely that squirrels, rather than parakeets, are eating the sunflower petals.

Have a good weekend!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

24 thoughts on “I’ve been mostly pottering…”

  1. Well maybe you’ll get a good supply of sloes rather than plums but of course sloes aren’t really very useful except for Sloe Gin. My sunflower in the front garden is at least 12 feet high now – I’m surprised the wind hasn’t snapped it as it isn’t supported at all. Maybe that helps a bit. Have a good weekend yourself.


    1. Elaine I noticed two sloes the other day but now I can’t see them. Well done with the sunflower, I’ve got none anywhere near that tall. They tend to be okay if sheltered. Thanks xx


  2. Fruity discoveries are nice to have. While Autumnal colours can be thrilling and vibrant, I am not endeared to its signal of changing seasons. Your observations about the sunflower petals is interesting. xx


    1. Menhir they are indeed, but the best thing about this tree is the spring blossom. That’s the downside of such colour changes. It would be good to actually see the culprits rather than just guessing. xx


  3. What a lovely photo of the dogwood, that colour is stunning. It doesn’t mean that autumn is coming though does it..? There’s a lovely plot near to my allotment with a plum tree on it, and they have hung red, green and blue glass bottles on the branches to bend them down, so that they don’t exceed the regulation 7′. It was Bob Flowerdew’s suggestion when he visited the town to record Gardener’s Question Time apparently. It really does look very attractive – they have used fancy water bottles I think.


  4. Hmmm, sloe gin springs to mind. How lovely to see the greenfinch. They’re regular visitors here to my feeders, they enjoy the sunflower seeds I fill them with so it’s little wonder they’re enjoying the sunflower heads.


  5. I love the photo of the dogwood that is shrub you dont see here often, beautiful colours. I love pottering in the garden when there isnt an urgent need to do chores.


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