How about that

As forecast it’s been sunny and warm this week with the temperature reaching around 30 C/85 F yesterday.  I’ve been going to the plot earlier than usual, doing (a lot) less and coming home earlier.

The first early potatoes Pentland Javelin have finished flowering but the foliage hasn’t yet started dying back but whilst checking the two rows I found this potato just under the surface.  As you can see it’s surprisingly big for a first early.

I wasn’t going to start looking and lifting any for a couple more weeks but I’m tempted to see if I can find another one this size  for Sunday dinner.

It’s been a really good year for strawberries and I’ve been bringing home more than I usually do, as well as eating a few whilst I’m there and giving some away.

Thankfully it’s cooler today and next week it will be in the low 20’sC/low 70’s F which is much more to my liking.

Have a good weekend and take care!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

13 thoughts on “How about that”

  1. There is nothing like the taste is freshly picked English strawberries. I am envious of your bounty! The early potato is a good size, I agree.


  2. Good that your strawbs are doing well … Sadly mine have not been so good tho’ the Loganberries are lovely. Congrats on the spuds! Hope you get your Sunday dinner 🙂


  3. Potato head without a doubt. What have your potatoes been getting up to! The strawberries do look fruity.
    So pleased you are seeing the fruits of your labour. Have a good and productive weekend Mr F. Xx


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