On the windowsill, June 2024

The dwarf sunflower Big Smile is only 8 in/20cm tall but, much to my surprise, is already showing a flower bud forming.

I’m looking forward to seeing this flower and wonder how big it will be.



The tomato Red Robin has reached 9 in/23 cm, and is looking good.

As I’ve done in the past couple of years I’m digging up and bringing home one or two Pot Marigolds Flighty’s Favourites  to replant into 3.5 in/9 cm pots to put on the windowsill.

This first one, which has been flowering for about a week, is just over 8 in/20 cm tall with a good size dark centred yellow flower.  There is a second bud which should flower in a week or two.

I’ve sowed a few each English Daisy (Bellis perennis), Forget-me-not Sylva White (Myosotis sylvatica) and yellow flowering Viola (cornuta ?) seeds. More about these as and when they hopefully germinate and start to grow.

Have a good week, and take care!

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

14 thoughts on “On the windowsill, June 2024”

  1. Your Marigold gave me an ‘ooh look’ moment.
    The sunflower does look good and ready to burst with floral life.
    I can’t wait to see how your windowsill will pots will develop. It sounds like you will have a great display. Xxx M


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