Still plotting on

This week I forked over the compost heap before I cut all the comfrey,which had finished flowering,  back to ground level then added it to the heap.

This will also give me a chance to reach the raspberries this side.

If the onion Sturon leaves are anything to go by then it looks like being a good year for them.

That will hopefully make up for last year when most were only golf ball size, rather tennis ball, and had hard cooked skins.


The potatoes first earlies Pentland Javelin and second earlies Charlotte are both showing lots of flowers.  These purple ones are the latter, and the former have white ones.  It’ll be a while before I start to lift any, which I won’t do until the foliage starts dying back.


Have a good weekend, and take care!


Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

12 thoughts on “Still plotting on”

  1. It’s interesting to hear about the maturing of the onions and potatoes and when to dig them. I only grow tomatoes and think they’re classified as a fruit not a vegetable, aren’t they? Coincidentally, I cut back my comfrey yesterday and added it to my compost heap.


    1. Liz information about when both are ready to lift certainly varies, both in books and online, which can get confusing. Yes tomatoes are classified as fruit, although we all call them vegetables. Well done, and good for you. xx


  2. All coming along nicely. It’s a good sign to see things progressing at this time of year, it’s been rather chilly here, it’ll be interesting to see if plants are affected by this.


  3. Look how far your plot has grown! I guess since you don’t report and photograph every bit of growth, it seems sudden to me. Yes, let’s hope for a good onion season.


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