A wintry plot

It snowed here for much of Friday, and settled, so yesterday morning I ventured out to take some photos.

Plot white

RosemaryI was surprised at the lack of animal tracks  across the plot although there were plenty elsewhere on the site especially of foxes nearer to where they live.

Oriental poppy foliageIt may all look rather pretty but with already waterlogged ground when it does melt it’s only going to add to the problem.

Switching away from a wintry plot I did the 700th post here last week and yesterday I received this notification…

Happy Anniversary! You registered on WordPress.com 6 years ago! Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!

Have a good week!

[Click on any of the pictures to see a larger image]

Edit Sunday, 3rd February…My thanks to Glo, Porcelain Rose for this award –

Congratulations Flighty

Author: Flighty

...allotmenteer, armchair gardener, blogger and sofa flying book buff.

41 thoughts on “A wintry plot”

  1. Congratulations on your blogging milestones Flighty! Yours was one of the first blogs I discovered when I started just over 5 years ago and it’s been great to have your friendship in the blogosphere along the way 🙂


  2. Congatulations on achieving this significant milestone! Your blog is not one of the “one-shot-wonders” that are so common in the blogosphere.
    How nice that WordPress should recognize it too. I’m with Google’s Blogger, and I don’t expect any accolades from THEM!


  3. Seems like we are all in the same boat with the snow – it’s snowing again here at the moment. Congrats on your 700th post – six years eh well done for sticking at it and for being such a good blogging buddy.


  4. Congratulations on your blog achievements. As they say, time flies when you’re having fun. We’ve still got snow here and are forecast a heavy fall tonight and in to the early hours, I’m hoping that it’s not too bad. It’s interesting to see the animal tracks in the snow and know for sure where the wildlife has been wandering.


    1. Jo thanks. It certainly has flown by when I think about it. There was more snow here yesterday, but thankfully none forecast for this week. Yes it is, not that I can generally identify them. xx


  5. Goodness me! 700 posts, I say!!!! How terribly splendid, here’s to the next six years!

    The plot does look very pretty but as you say the snow is going to add to the waterlogged ground problems.
    We’ve had snow too and I was surprised how few bird tracks were around.xxxxx


    1. Snowbird that’s what I thought when I reached it. Thanks.
      It’s something that we haven’t had to consider in past years.
      Several people have said the same, it does seem rather strange. xx


  6. Lovely photo’s of snowy plot Flighty. I love the personalised message from WordPress “..thanks for flying with us.” Your blogs are a credit to their name and I’m glad they realise it. xx


  7. The nice thing about your blog posts Mike is that they are always interesting and not overly long so well done on 700 and having done all that hard work on your plot a few months ago when it all thaws out you should be up and ready to go


    1. David that good of you to say so. They’re not overly long as I’m a bit of a minimalist! I hopefully will be but it’s always a bit of a struggle to start with.


  8. Wow, 700 posts! That’s a lot of writing – congratulations on your achievement. I’m just catching up with your posts Flighty, it seems we’ve both been out doing a little bit of plot pottering, a lot of book reading and biscuit munching! I was driving home from Capel in Friday’s snow and thought that I’d be able to see some fox, bird or cat tracks in the garden this morning but it was all very smooth which is unusual. I hope it eases off soon, I’m hoping not too much damage will be done by the bad weather.


    1. Caro thanks. They seem to be the main occupation for gardeners at this time of year. The lack of animal tracks in the snow was surprising. Fingers crossed that all will be okay. xx


  9. Six years. I can hardly believe it. How many years on Platform27? Maybe a year or two…. and then several more on 20six, too. I like some of the new features on WP that remind me of 20six (stars and easy access to replies to comments). Shall tell you what temperature it was today? Nearly 80F!


    1. Nikki nor me! I thank that it was just a couple of years in total for them. Yes I must have a catch up look at the ‘behind the scenes’! Lucky you, it was barely 32F/0C here, and it snowed again. xx


  10. Congratulations on your 700th post Flighty. That was nice of WordPress to send you that message. It’s quite an achievement to have been blogging for 6 years. We had some more snow over night but it looks like the thaw has set in now. I wonder if that will be the last of the snow for the winter or will there be more in February?

    I’m sure the snow melt will cause problems. A lot of the fields around here hadn’t dried out before the snow came and are frozen lakes at the moment. I’m sure there’ll be some flooding in the weeks to come. The nights are getting noticeably longer though so spring isn’t too far away. WW x


    1. Welly thanks. It was indeed. That’s just with this blog as I’ve had others, and was blogging regularly elsewhere for a couple of years before here.
      No snow since Sunday here, and slowly starting to thaw. I’ve seen snow in April here!
      It’ll depend on the weather as to how bad, or long, the flooding/water logging problem will be. Yes lighter nights are a welcome sight. xx


  11. Happy Anniversary Flighty, how nice of wordpress to let you know! Did they send a card?! The plot looks really pretty, but the waterlogging afterwards is far from welcome after all the rain we have already had. I’d welcome a spell of clear dry weather myself.


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